Friday, September 21, 2012

Where I Am Now

       My pinch pot has changed a lot from how I originally envisioned it. In the beginning I really had no clue what i was making, and now I'm proud of how it turned out. I used to laugh at my work because it looked like an old fashioned milk jug, and now it looks like a respectable vase. I was able to keep good control of the clay, I think, but it didn't always do exactly what I wanted. Once I started using specific tools for smoothing it and shaping the outside, the clay responded better. Since the neck ended up so much thinner than I first intended, I had to work on shaping my vase solely from the outside. The angle that sloped down from the neck was the hardest to shape from the outside.
    I was really nervous about the line design, and the pattern turned out completely different from what I first envisioned. I wanted something with curls and spirals, but quickly changed my mind when I attempted those on the extra clay. There was also supposed to be four "petals" around the pot, but I realized it looked too crowded and left it at three.
    I believe I am done with this vase for now. I'm going to leave it to dry, think of glaze colors, and move on to the coil project.

1 comment:

  1. Looking at the Rubric that I gave you in the beginning of the year, this piece falls into a A category. I am looking at: The use of Elements and Principles of design, Technical Skills, Conceptual Skills, Effort, and Creativity. We will look at the rubric together once piece has been glazed and fired again.

    Great job. It is a bit on the heavy side, but overall very nicely designed. I can't wait to see it glazed.
